Making time to workout
As I've said in some of my other blog posts I am a mommy of 3. My oldest just started Kindergarten then I also have a 3 year old and an 18 month old. So life gets a little crazy around my house most of the time. I also have my own cake making business, and run a gymnastics business for little ones. So I definitely stay very busy the majority of the time. I rarely stay at home all day. I'm always up and moving constantly. For me, I cannot function at all unless I get my workout in for the day. Without it I'm a grouchy, nasty mom and wife. I also get so tired that my brain just doesn't think right if I skip a workout. It doesn't matter that I get more sleep the night before, I will drag all day long. A workout for me is now a way of life. It is what gets me going in the morning. It's what keeps me pushing forward through the craziness of my days. It helps me to be the best mommy I can be to my beautiful children, and the best wife for my husband.
Lets face it, who really has the time to be a mom, wife, friend, sister, aunt, AND workout on top of it all. Well I'm here to tell you today, it IS possible. No matter how hard it seems, you can do it! You can make time to workout! You can be the best possible you. When I first started my journey to a healthier me I was not at all a morning person. I was the kind of person who would wake up last minute and throw some makeup on and get dressed in as little as 15 minutes. That's how badly I hated waking up early. I never ever would have seen myself as the person I am today waking up at 5:00 am to get my workout in before I get my kids to school. Waking up early takes time and dedication. You have to want it! You have to push yourself no matter how hard it is, and no matter how badly you just want to chuck your phone and go back to sleep. You have to tell yourself you can do it, and that you will feel so much better about yourself if you get your workout in, than if you didn't. The more you do it, the more it becomes a way of life, and the easier it gets.
I've found the best way to insure that I get my workout in is to have a schedule. If I just wing things nothing ever gets done. But if I make sure to think ahead and plan, it makes it so much easier. Then I don't find myself making excuses to not workout. I try as hard as possible to get everything done for the next day the day before. I make sure my kids get to bed at a good time so that insures that I can also have a little time with my hubby and still go to bed early at the same time. Sleep is just as important as getting in your workout. You want to shoot for at least 7-8 hours of sleep a night so that your body can be ready for your workout. So before I go to sleep I make sure to clean as much of the house as I can manage and I pack lunches and lay out clothes for the next day.
If your wanting to start lifting weights there are several options. You don't always have to go to the gym. For me my hubby works out in the mornings too, so we can't both go to the gym. So I have my own home gym called a bow-flex. You can always look at your classifieds or amazon and find some kind of total home gym. The one I have I bought off KSL for $300. Which if you use it everyday it will pay for itself. You can also get good deals on weight benches and weights on amazon too. Plus I'm not a huge fan of going to the gym. I would much rather do it on my own while I watch tv!
If your wanting to start lifting weights there are several options. You don't always have to go to the gym. For me my hubby works out in the mornings too, so we can't both go to the gym. So I have my own home gym called a bow-flex. You can always look at your classifieds or amazon and find some kind of total home gym. The one I have I bought off KSL for $300. Which if you use it everyday it will pay for itself. You can also get good deals on weight benches and weights on amazon too. Plus I'm not a huge fan of going to the gym. I would much rather do it on my own while I watch tv!
Something else that really helps me to get up and going is to take something before I workout. In the beginning I used to take a fat burning supplement. The one I really liked was called XAT-7. I would set an alarm for about 20-30 minutes before I would initially get up and I would take it then go back to sleep. That way it would kick in in time for my workout. This would give me enough energy to be able to wake up when my alarm woke me without really having to second guess myself. After I had been lifting weights pretty heavily for a few months my husband talked me into taking a pre-workout. This is something that helps you to basically not feel much of the pain of your workout that would normally hold you back. It helps you to push your muscles a little harder and get more from your workout. The one that we take is called Assault from Muscle Pharm. One of the best out there if you ask us!! This also gives you a little kick so that when my alarm goes off to get up, it's kicked in and I have no problem waking up to do my workout. Plus it gives me energy throughout the day too.
So there are no excuses when it comes to getting your workout in! No matter how busy you are, if you want to look and feel good you have to put all those excuses aside and just do it :-) If you have time to sit and read or watch tv you have time to workout! You could even get your books on audio and listen while you lift weights! Life is always going to be busy even if you tell yourself that things will slow down. There is always an excuse to be found. If I can do it so can you! You just have to make up your mind and your body will thank you for it! The results you are going to see in your body and your mind will make you never want to stop again. Not only do I look and feel great, but I've noticed my brains thinking power has become so much better. I've been able to think better and become smarter even after 3 kids. So there really is nothing holding you back! You are going to love the person you become. If you need help starting please refer back to some of my older posts, or message me. I've got several programs and things that can get you starting on your road to a healthier you!
Please also keep in mind that if you want the results your looking for. To not only look but "feel" great you NEED to eat a healthy balanced diet. Rearguards what you've read and heard you need a variety of foods. Lots of turkey, chicken, vegie's, low carb fruits, nuts, packed with protein is whats going to fuel your workouts! Your body needs more protein than you think. is an awesome tool if your wanting to research this. You just have to make sure you are reading labels and you are aware of what is in the foods you are eating. Processed foods are what's killing everyone!! I've never felt better than I do now making sure that my diet is balanced and free of any additives or anything with corn syrup or anything you get from a box. I've only been sick once in the last year and it only lasted 2 days. When normally it would last weeks. Try different things and see what works for you. Health talks!
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