Friday, May 23, 2014

The Beggining of my Journey to Health

You're worth it!

I'm not just skinny because that's how I am.  I work my butt off (literally). My metabolism used to be shot!  I used to live with back pain everyday!  I used to get sick constantly!  I used to just drag through my days wondering if I'd make it to my pillow that night!

A year ago I decided to make a lifestyle change after a few crazy things happened in our families.  I really believe that eating poorly and not working out leads to many kinds of illnesses.  I lift weights every morning 6 days a week for an hour and a half.  I also make sure to watch what I eat.  Healthy eating is 80% or weight loss.  I try to balance my diet as much as possible.  I used to HATE so many of the things I eat now.  I eat all 100% whole grains, cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, nuts, quinoa, brown rice, chili, fruits, vegetables, LOTS of chicken and ground turkey.   Once you start out it's HARD.  But the more you eat of the good things (less bad things) the more you start to like it, and not want the bad things you used to eat.

Funny Pictures Of The Day – 105 PicsI only eat out once a week for my one cheat meal.  Experts say having one cheat meal a week is good for you.  Who would of thought?  But it resets your metabolism so you don't get sucked into the black hole of your body getting used to it.  Anyone can do it!

Just a few months ago is when I started lifting.  It took my hubby a long time to finally talk me into lifting.  I didn't want to bulk up and look like a man!  I started off using internet videos and zumba on my XBOX.  It definitely started me in the right directions, but eventually it wasn't getting me anywhere.  Finally after much coxing I told him to write me up a program and I started down the path of weight lifting.  It's amazing how fast I started to see results.  The pounds just started to fall off along with eating healthy.

When I first started I would do maybe a 45 minute workout.  Waking up early for me was like unleashing a lion in town!  I hated and despised it.  Now I look forward to waking up every morning.  I feel like CRAP if I don't get my workout in.  Not to mention the migraines I get when I eat poorly now.

If your curious here is the program I'm following right now.  I'm on day 20 and I feel awesome!  I use my bow-flex at home and get to watch tv while I do it!

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